1. Fun-Learn Pre School & Day Care and Fun-Learn Day Boarding School confer high standard of education through the medium of English.
  2. We take students from Toddler Group. See admission page for details.
  3. We combine the best of ICSE, CBSE, GCSE (the UK) and International Baccalaureate Boards and West Bengal Secondary Board. This helps our students adapt easily to any Board he/she may wish to pursue in India or abroad.
  4. Children are encouraged to speak only in English in school. After spending two (2) years in our school, they pick up English pretty much.
  5. We use play, music, song, dance, Montessori tools, Play-way methods to create a learning atmosphere in our school.
  6. Regular assessments are conducted by the teachers to assess a child’s progress.
  7. Fast-Track Class– we offer special classes to the weaker children. No extra charges are taken.
  8. Smart Classes- According to Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory (1991), “students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways.” To facilitate learning, our classrooms have smart screens, for the children to see audio-visuals and learn better.
  9. Laboratories (Labs)– Children attend English Labs, Rhyme Labs, Conversation Labs, GK Labs; where they see interactive films, do experiments, use modeling clay, blocks, puzzles, art, are even encouraged to day-dream to get a grasp on their cognitive skills, learning and speaking skills.
  10. Activity ClassesMusic, Dance, Swimming, Karate, Yoga, Games, and Sports classes are a regular in our time-table to improve the kinesthetics of the children. More importantly they learn team work.
  11. Elocution class- children are taught diction and pronunciation using Demosthenes’ and modern techniques.
  12. Computer Labs– children get hands-on experience on usage of computers. Our student: computer ratio is 2:1.
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